Player Ships & Classes

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There are three distinct ship classes to choose from in Gemini Station.


The ideal ship for traders & tanks
click image for more info

Level 1 Freighter Level 2 Freighter Level 3 Freighter Level 4 Freighter
Level 1 Freighter
Level 2 Freighter
Level 3 Freighter
Level 4 Freighter

A defensive-focused, trading vessel, the freighter is the perfect choice for the pilot who wants to maximize trading and survivability. With extra modification slots for shields and utilities, the tank-like freighter is designed to withstand attacks and get out in one piece.

Player Guides

Currently: None.


The table below shows how many of each type of mods can be installed for each freighter level. Wildcard slots can be fitted with any mod type.

Level Cargo (Stock) Cargo (Max) Armor Shields Weapon Mods Armor Mods Shield Mods Sensor Mods Utility Mods Engine Mods Wildcard Mods Base Attack Base Defense
I S M 200 200 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 -1 1
II M L 500 500 1 2 2 1 2 2 0 1 3
III L XL 1250 1250 1 3 4 1 2 2 1 2 5
IV L XL 1500 1500 1 4 4 2 3 2 1 3 10

Cargo Capabilities

Every ship is able to transport cargo. The limitations lie in the size of the cargo. Every transportable item is organized by size (Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large). While every ship can move cargo, not every ship can carry every class of cargo. The table below shows the size class restrictions of each freighter level.

Ships have a base cargo size rating and in most cases can be upgraded to hold a larger item size. Upgraded ships can still carry cargo smaller than their max size limit.

Freighter cargo.png


The ideal ship for attackers & DPS
click image for more info

Level 1 Fighter Level 2 Fighter Level 3 Fighter Level 4 Fighter
Level 1 Fighter
Level 2 Fighter
Level 3 Fighter
Level 4 Fighter

Designed for attacking, the fighter trades extra cargo space and defensive capabilities for the maximum offense. Still sporting a modest cargo hold, the fighter is a build for power.

Player Guides

Currently: None.


The table below shows how many of each type of mods can be installed for each fighter level. Wildcard slots can be fitted with any mod type.

Level Cargo (Stock) Cargo (Max) Armor Shields Weapon Mods Armor Mods Shield Mods Sensor Mods Utility Mods Engine Mods Wildcard Mods Base attack Base Defense
I S S 100 150 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 5 -1
II S S 250 375 3 1 2 1 2 1 0 7 1
III S M 625 1000 4 2 2 1 2 2 1 10 2
IV S M 850 1500 4 2 4 2 2 2 1 20 3

Cargo Capabilties

Every ship is able to transport cargo. The limitations lie in the size of the cargo. Every transportable item is organized by size (Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large). While every ship can move cargo, not every ship can carry every size class of the cargo. The table below shows the size class restrictions of each level.

Ships have a base cargo size rating and, in most cases, can be upgraded to hold a larger item size. Upgraded ships can still carry cargo smaller than their max size limit.

Fighter cargo.png


The ideal ship for utility & support players

Level 1 Scout Level 2 Scout Level 3 Scout Level 4 Scout
Level 1 Scout
Level 2 Scout
Level 3 Scout
Level 4 Scout

Sleek and agile, the scout ship is a Swiss-army-knife-pilot’s dream. While only able to carry a small cargo load, the scout ship is blazing fast, extremely difficult to target, and filled with seemingly endless tricks.

The scout’s base travel time are 10% faster than other ships.

Player Guides

Base Stats & Modding

The table below shows how many of each type of mods can be installed for each scout level. Wildcard slots can be fitted with any mod type.

Level Cargo (Stock) Cargo (Max) Armor Shields Weapon Mods Armor Mods Shield Mods Sensor Mods Utility Mods Engine Mods Wildcard Mods Base Attack Base Defense
I S S 75 100 1 1 1 2 1 2 0 0 3
II S S 125 250 1 1 2 2 2 2 0 1 4
III S S 300 500 1 1 2 3 2 3 2 2 5
IV S S 500 750 1 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 5

Cargo Capabilties

Every ship is able to transport cargo. The limitations lie in the size of the cargo. Every transportable item is organized by size (Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large). While every ship can move cargo, not every ship can carry every size class of the cargo. The table below shows the size class restrictions of each level.

Ships have a base cargo size rating and, in most cases, can be upgraded to hold a larger item size. Upgraded ships can still carry cargo smaller than their max size limit.

NOTE: The scout is the one ship class that cannot purchase goods with cargo rating greater than small. The scout can, however, salvage larger items from space.

Scout cargo.png

Source: [1]

Rep Ships

The following ships can be obtained from specific factions with a high enough reputation.

Gemini Sentinel

The Sentinel is Gemini Station's prized ship. Designed as much for patrolling Gemini-controlled space as well as dark-op missions, the Sentinel is packed with features that'll fill both fighter and scout pilots with envy.

An all-around combat and scouting vessel, the Sentinel was designed to find trouble, start trouble, and end trouble. While boasting of both fighter and scout abilities, the Sentinel is technically classified as a scout ship.

Terran Dreadnought

The Dreadnought is the latest advancement in the renowned legacy of Terran shipwrights. Designed to be the new workhorse of the Terran peacekeeping efforts, the Dreadnought's versatility gives it an advantage in nearly every situation. From long-term, deep-space cargo missions to patrolling and defending Terran space, the Dreadnought is a beacon of freedom and justice to all peoples of the system.

An all-purpose workhorse with improved defensive abilities, the Dreadnought excels at breaking up even the most explosive situations. Additionally, the Dreadnought is classified as a freighter.

Martian Crusader

The Crusader is the culmination of decades of disdain over the fact that every ship in the Martian fleet was constructed in Terran shipyards. Designed to take a beating and deliver one even worse, the Crusader is the Martian’s new spear tip in their struggle to maintain independence and not-so-subtlety tip the system’s balance of power towards Mars.

A combat-focused vessel, the Crusader excels at isolating targets and maximizing damage. The Crusader is undoubtedly classified as a fighter.

JayCo Tanker

The JayCo Freighter was never meant to operate far from Jupiter Station. A gas harvester by design, the ship was built to harvest gas and deliver it to the station. But Theodore Rouse wanted a freight vessel that could rival anything built on Earth. After several months of retrofitting existing gas haulers, his efforts were finally rewarded and the JayCo Freighter was born.

A trader's dream, the JayCo Freighter was designed to both transport and protect massive amounts of cargo. The JayCo Freighter boasts impressive armor ratings and a cavernous cargo hold, at the expense of both offensive capabilities and engine efficiency. This is ship obviously classified as a freighter.


  • The Scout was not one of the original starting ships.