Update:Game Update - New Worlds
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This official news post is copied verbatim from the Gemini Station website. It is copyrighted by The Developer.
It was added on 11 August 2021.
It was added on 11 August 2021.
Version 4.0: New Worlds is by far, the largest, and most expansive update in the history of Gemini Station. Most importantly, it includes the artwork that was commissioned in (overwhelming) response to our Kickstarter Campaign. You’ll see the artwork featured across every location.
Additionally, the artwork allowances allowed for the creation and expansion of several new/existing mechanics. The Fabricator system on Gemini Station has been totally reworked. And a new mining mechanic has been added to the new location Ceres.
Many of the outstanding support tickets were address in 4.0 or made obsolete due to changes in mechanics. As a result, all tickets have been closed. Please create new tickets as new issues arise.
4.0.0 New Worlds (8/11/2021)
- A setting as been added to Account > Profile where you can skip navigation and transaction screens to auto-redirect to your ship or store depending on your previous location.
- Long Range Scan function has been optimized to reduce load lag.
- Your littering history from dumping cargo in hangar bays are now forgotten after one week...it seems the Dockmaster has become a forgiving soul.
- Ship HUD displays are now more readable.
- Draining NPC ships now reduces that faction’s reputation by 50 instead of 5.
- In-game wiki links now have a pretty glow….Ooooo.
- Pilots can now transfer goods to and from drones so long as they are on the same location.
- New achievements added for ship speed (100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 500, 750, hidden).
- Additional reputation thresholds have been added.
- Ambassador (250,000)
- Hero (500,000)
- Exalted (1,000,000)
- Many new items have been added to the game. Some have obvious uses, some do not.
- Black Matter
- Propaganda
- Rock Dust
- Gemstones
- Platinum Ore/Bars
- Rhodium Ore/Bars
- Compacted Gold Ore/Bars
- Asteroid Fragments
- Sludge
- Weapons Parts
- Disrupters
- Space Noodles
- Refined Sludge
- Ship Transponders
MAJOR UPDATE: Travel Mechanic Changes
- The travel mechanic has changed from time-based to distance-based. All distance represents distance relative to Gemini Station. Additionally, each location is assigned a sector number.
- Gemini Station: 1.0
- Earth: 3.00300
- Mars: 5.00300
- Jupiter: 7.00750
- Mercury: 9.02700
- Eris: 11.04500
- Venus: 12.01200
- Moon: 21.00300
- S.S. Neptune: 23.03600
- Sedna: 25.86400
- Ceres: 27.00500
- Each ship class has its own base speed. The base speed is how many M’s your ship will travel in a single minute. None of the factions could agree on what to call the galactic unit of distance. Mars wanted it called “Mars Units”, JayCo wouldn’t budge from “Monies”, so the ‘agreement’ was to just call them M’s.
- Engine Efficiency mods will augment the base speed increasing (or decreasing) your ship's speed by whatever % your EE is. For example: A ship with a base speed of 50 and an energy efficiency rate of 50% will travel at a rate of 75 M/ min. A ship traveling at 75M / min will reach a destination that is 500 M away in about 4 minutes.
Base Speeds
- Light Fighter: 50
- Standard Fighter: 53
- Assault Fighter: 57
- Tempest Fighter: 60
- Recon Scout: 60
- Support Scout: 65
- Overwatch Scout: 70
- Harbinger: 75
- All T1-T4 Freighters: 50
- JayCo Tanker: 5;
- Sentinel: 50;
- Dreadnought: 50;
- Crusader: 60;
- Wasp: 150;
Energy Efficiency
- The EE cap has been removed.
Max Speed
- There is no maximum speed limit a ship can reach. Enjoy the speedometer animations…(not responsible for seizures)
- Boosting a ship will now increase their speed by 5 M / min.
- Draining a ship will now increase your speed by 5 M / min.
- Hack Boost/Drain will now increase/decrease the target ship’s speed based on a percentage of their current speed per hack level (10%, 25%, 50%, 80%, 100%).
- To mine on Ceres, the pilot must have at least one (1) Mining Grenade and one (1) Energy in their ship, and an approved Mining arm. . When combined, the pilot's ship's energy powers the mining system, sending the grenade to the bottom of the shaft. Once detonated, the mining system then retrieves whatever items were revealed in the explosion. The pilot has the option to claim the items and store them in their ship (as cargo space allows), or reject the items.
- Basic Miner's Arm (22216) can be purchased from Gemini Station
- Items that are rejected are jettisoned on the surface of Ceres where any other pilot is free to salvage them.
- Read the full details on mining on the wiki Ceres#Mining
- The two minute interaction cool down between ships has been removed.
- The base cost of armor repairs is $10 / 1 armor HP.
- Armor repair is no longer automatic and will not be charged to your ledger.
- Your ship’s armor must be repaired before you can change your mods.
- Gemini Station still offers free armor repair.
- Sensor sweeps will now show the graphical display of each ship found, very cool.
- Sedna
- This new location has been added.
- Sedna is an advanced, remote research station on the edge of the system.
- Sedna is 86,400 M from Gemini Station (est. 24 hours)
- Ceres
- This new location has been added.
- Ceres is a mining outpost located in the asteroid belt.
- Ceres is 500 M from Gemini Station (est. 10 minutes)
- Jupiter
- Jupiter is now 750 M away from Gemini Station…apparently gas giants can move.
- Class Changes
- Jayco Freighter
- Base cargo has been increased to 500
- Base cargo shielding has been decreased to 0.
- Scout
- Base evasion for scouts has been increased:
- Recon: +50
- Support: +60
- Overwatch: +70
- Harbinger: +100
- Jayco Freighter
MAJOR UPDATE: Fabricator
- The fabrication system on Gemini Station has been reworked. Pilots must now obtain blueprints either from specific locations and/or completing daily missions.
- Blueprints must be activated on Gemini Station in order to install the fabricator.
- You can have a maximum of 10 fabricators installed at a single time.
- Uninstalling a fabricator destroys it and the blueprint used to install it. If you wish to reinstall a fabricator, you must obtain the blueprint again.
- Completed dailies will reward a blueprint who’s level is +/-5 of your pilot’s skill.
- 600+ blueprints have been added to the system.
- Additional infor will be posted here: Engineering_District
- A new consumable systems has been added to the game. Consumables will have various effects on your ship’s abilities.
- The Blink Drive can now be activated while in transit w/o needing to install it.
- Supply crates now appear in the consumables menu.
- Supercharged Fuel Cells now appear in the consumables menu.
- The emergency beacon opens a super-portal that instantly transports you back to Gemini’s Breach.
- Supergates now instantly transport you to your destination. The updated role of Nesellium and supernates will be addressed in a future update.
- A Nesellium Generator can now be purchased from Gemini’s Breach for $100,000,000.
- Due to increased demands, Earth’s energy cell production rate has been increased to 25,000 / hour. Well-played Eden & Shark…
- Movie posters have been added to the start and steps of all stories to make them feel more significant. After all, there is nothing more significant than lore. Eat your heart out, Watcheroo
- The Art of Diplomacy Pt. 8 is now available at level 52 on Mars.
- The Art of Diplomacy - Finale is now available at level 57 on Gemini Station in the Pinnacle.
- Sedna's Liaison is now available at level 5 on Sedna.
- The Supercharged Fuel Cell factory is online again!
- Changed pilot location table variable from INT to FLOAT
- Changed ship location table variable from INT to FLOAT
- Base encryptions have been upgraded.
- Crons have been moved to interal scripts.
- Pilots can now close tickets they’ve opened.
- Game suggestions should be posted in the forum, rather than submitted as tickets.
Trash Compactor
- Pilots who want to get rid of unwanted items from their warehouse can send them to the trash compactor. Items sent to the trash compactor are destroyed forever. Don’t open a ticket asking for help after you’ve sent a captured space moth to the hellish agony of being crushed to death….you monster.
Speed Optimization
- The main stars travel animation has been compressed from 21MB to 6MB.
- The Mod Score mechanic has been rewritten to calculate ship mod scores faster.
- There is a ‘loading’ screen added to the Long Range Scan while your ship searches for nearby ships.
- Fixed many story typos (Tu Madre).
- Fixed a bug where you could trade in Captured Moths on Eris while not being on Eris.
- Fixed a bug where Heavy Water was not resupplying on Earth.
- Fixed a bug where the Moon daily would not progress.
- Fixed but where stories that required completion of the main story before appearing is now fixed.
- Fixed an exploit related to scanning the same pilot multiple times.
- Fixed a bug where you could abandon completed quests and then redo them.
- Fixed a bug where the pilot could progress in A Shadow Remains without having to build the Iron-Cored Neutrino Reactor
- Fixed a bug where bridge display was showing incorrect cargo shielding value.
- Fixed a bug where you couldn’t sell all of your intel.