Galactic Market

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Item Base Values

The data within the tooltips are default cost values for each item.
Many items can be bought, sold, stolen, and found.
Please read the info for tooltips as follows;
You are buying an item from the location for the amount listed under "Exports".
You are selling an item to the location for the amount listed under "Imports".


Image Item Size Exports Imports
Acetylene Tanks.png Acetylene Tanks
These canisters of combustible gas are produced by Jupiter and sold to Earth, Mars, Gemini Station, and Eris.
Jupiter Icon.png Eris Icon.png
Anti-Gravity Components.png Anti-Gravity Components
Used mostly on Eris for their gravity experiments, these large crates of components fetch a high price when in stock.
Earth Icon.png Mars Icon.png Eris Icon.png
Black Ice Shards.png Black Ice Shards
These small, shards of ice from Eris are primarily used for crafting mods.
Eris Icon.png Mercury Icon.png
Black matter.png Black Matter
Highly unstable and mysterious material was created in a laboratory far from the inner system.
Blue Methane.png Blue Methane
Harvested exclusively from the S.S. Neptune, this gas is used in mod construction, and can be sold to many locations.
Neptune Icon.png Jupiter Icon.png Eris Icon.png
Space Moth Traps Captured.png Captured Space Moths
A Space Moth Trap filled with captured Space Moths! I wonder if anyone on Eris would have a use for this?
Commercial Grade Mod Frame.png Commercial Grade Mod Frame
Produced by Earth, these mod frames are used in the construction of mods.
Earth Icon.png
Compacted Gold Bar.png Compacted Gold
No Description Available.
Compacted Iron Ore.png Compacted Iron Ore
Very heavy, and ultra-compacted, this ore is sold from Mars.
Disrupter Cartridges.png Disrupter Cartridges
Disrupters are highly illegal. But their cartridges are used by gas farmers on Jupiter.
Eris Icon.png Jupiter Icon.png
Empty Gas Cylinders.png Empty Gas Cylinders
Jupiter requires a steady stream of these empty gas cylinders to maintain the gas export quotas.
Eris Icon.png Gemini Icon.png Jupiter Icon.png
Empty Shipping Container.png Empty Shipping Containers
These empty shipping containers are needed at various times throughout the system.
Earth Icon.png Mars Icon.png Gemini Icon.png Jupiter Icon.png
Energy Cell.png Energy Cell
These small, common energy cells are used everywhere in the system and can be purchased from Earth, Mars, and Mercury.
Earth Icon.png Mars Icon.png Mercury Icon.png Jupiter Icon.png Eris Icon.png Gemini Icon.png
Eris Ice.png Eris Ice
Super-frozen ice from Eris is somehow used in mod crafting.
Eris Icon.png
Ambox warning pn.png Experimental Mod Frame
Produced by on the isolated labratory on Sedna.
Gemini Supply Crate.png Gemini Supply Crate
When opened, this crate will award the pilot direct travel, 1-3 Supercharged Energy Cells, up to $25,000, and supporter status for 30 days. Can be purchased from other players in the auction house or for $5 USD here.
General Purpose Scanner.png General Purpose Scanner
These hand-held scanners can be purchased from Earth or Eris and are used across the system.
Earth Icon.png Eris Icon.png Jupiter Icon.png Gemini Icon.png
General Trade Goods.png General Trade Goods
These are basic necessities needed by everyone everywhere.
Earth Icon.png Mars Icon.png Jupiter Icon.png Eris Icon.png Gemini Icon.png
Heavy Titanium.png Heavy Titanium
This thick alloy is used in the construction of mods and can be purchased on Mars.
Mars Icon.png
Heavy Water.png Heavy Water
This solution is used in the construction of mods and can be purchased from Earth.
Earth Icon.png
Hydrogen.png Hydrogen
This chemical is primarily used in the construction of mods and can be purchased from Jupiter.
Jupiter Icon.png Gemini Icon.png
Iron Ore.png Iron Ore
A crate of Iron in its natural, unrefined state. Used in the construction of mods and available from Mars.
Mars Icon.png
Jupiter Gas.png Jupiter Gas
A unique blend of gas syphoned from the gas giant, Jupiter Gas is used to power the Supercharged Fuel Cell factory on Mercury.
Jupiter Icon.png Mercury Icon.png
Maintenance Kit.png Maintenance Kit
These Terran-made kits are needed throughout the system.
Earth Icon.png Mars Icon.png
Martian Foods.png Martian Foods
These food kits, dubbed 'Martian Foods' can be bought from Mars and sold anywhere in the system.
Mars Icon.png Earth Icon.png Jupiter Icon.png Eris Icon.png Gemini Icon.png
Martian Rocks.png Martian Rocks
Common Martian stones are wildly popular on Earth.
Mars Icon.png Earth Icon.png
Medical Supplies.png Medical Supplies
Standard medical supplies are primarily needed in more remote locations.
Earth Icon.png Gemini Icon.png Eris Icon.png
Mercurium.png Mercurium
An exotic chemical with outrageously destructive properties. Used almost exclusively in the production of mods.
Mars Icon.png
Micro Shield Generator.png Micro Shield Generators
These small shield generators are primarily used in mod construction, but also as personal shields by miners on Eris to protect against flying debris.
Earth Icon.png
Military Grade Mod Frame.png Military Grade Mod Frame
Produced by Mars, these mod frames are used in the construction of mods.
Mars Icon.png
Mining Grenade.png Mining Grenade
These hand-sized charges are primarily used for clearing stubborn ice veins on Eris...and are sometimes thrown at unsuspecting enemies.
Mars Icon.png Eris Icon.png
Miscellaneous Garbage.png Miscellaneous Garbage
An assortment of things that no one wants. However, vendors on Gem seem to still purchase them for some reason.
Gemini Icon.png
Platinum Bar.png Platinum Bar
No Description Available.
Moon Rocks.png Moon Rocks
An assortment of things that no one wants. However, vendors on Gem seem to still purchase them for some reason.
Mothite.png Mothite
Mothite is an illegal substance that can't always be sold.
Earth Icon.pngEris Icon.pngMars Icon.pngJupiter Icon.png
Nesellium.png Nesellium

Nesellium is a rare Allegiance-based energy source used to power Supergate in the outlands

Polished Diamond.png Polished Diamond
These pristine diamonds from Eris are almost always used in the production of mods.
Eris Icon.png
Radiation Suit.png Radiation Suits
These emergency suits protect wearers from harmful amounts of radiation. They are typically used on Jupiter.
Earth Icon.png Mars Icon.png
Rhodium Bar.png Rhodium Bar
No Description Available.
Sensor Pack.png Sensor Packs
Sensor packs are in high demand anywhere mods are built or sold. They are also used in the construction of mods.
Earth Icon.png Eris Icon.png Jupiter Icon.png
Silica Gem.png Silica Gem
These dazzling green gems are primarily used in the construction of mods.
Eris Icon.png
Sludge.png Sludge
A combination of several types of filth.
Jupiter Icon.png 30px
Small Helium Canister.png Small Helium Canister
These compact canisters are ideal for shipping small amounts of Helium.
Jupiter Icon.png Gemini Icon.png
Space Moth Trap.png Space Moth Traps
Known as the scourge of space, Space Moths prey on unsuspecting ships, draining their power. These traps might help capture them.
Eris Icon.png
Supercharged Fuel Cell.png Supercharged Fuel Cell
These extremely valuable supercharged cells can be used to refill your ship's energy and processor reservers.
Mercury Icon.png
Synthplast.png Synthplast
This Nanite-based adhesive is used for various mod projects.
Earth Icon.png
Targeting Chip.png Targeting Chips
Primarily used in the construction of weapon mods, these miniaturized targeting chips are also used to assist gas harvest drones on Jupiter.
Mars Icon.png Jupiter Icon.png
Titanium.png Titanium
This alloy is used in the construction of mods.
Mars Icon.png
Tungsten Plate.png Tungsten Plate
Tungsten is the hardest non-alloy metal known.
Mars Icon.png
Water.png Water
Exported from Earth, water is needed by everyone.
Earth Icon.png Mars Icon.png Jupiter Icon.png Eris Icon.png Gemini Icon.png
Weapon Parts.png Weapon Parts